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Linkin park; Archives

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Saturday 12 January 2008

5th June 1944, British,Americans and Canadians Troops joined forces to drive Nazi soldiers back to Germany.Due to bad weather,the invasion was delayed to 6th June 1944.6th June 1944, the Allies were heading for Normandy, they were separated into three groups and attack the shores of Normandy.When the Allies soldiers landed on shore they find themselves in a barrage of machine gun bullets.The British and Canadians are lucky enough to hide behind destory tanks, but the Americans were not so lucky,there were no place for them to hide.Despite the swarms of Allies soldiers, the invasion did not drive Nazi soldiers back to Germany thus, it was concluded unsucessful.Although it was unsuccessful,it stands as the best known invasion in WORLD WAR II history.

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Linkin park ;The lover

Name:Toh Yi Rui
School:PeiTong Primary School

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